Monday, June 16, 2008

At the park.......

Cassie playing with Mercy's crutches.
Jeb sleeping.
Emma .
All off us........Almost all
Well today we went to the park with Aunt Jodi, Ms. Maloney, and Mrs. Gassman. We had a lot of fun. We played capture the flag, (mostly) but also riding bike's and playing tag. We are all soooooooooooooo tired. When we got home I got out my banjo, and practiced for 1 hour. Now my finger's hurt (oh well that's the life of a musician, and I am one). Now I am posting on my blog. So see you soon,(I need to go help make dinner).


  1. Very cool pictures Anna and looks like you all were having a great time at the park. I love when you play your banjo and you sound great. Rest up cause it must have been pretty hot out there. Love you much...

  2. great pictures:) it must have been a fun day. it might of been hot but in phoenix today its going to be 113. thats just wrong. well talk to you later and keep up the great pictures!!!

  3. That's hot weather it's been about 80. And that's too hot for me about 63 is good. Hope to see you West's soon. Keep posting and I will.J.K. Thanks we finely found a banjo teacher, he's very cool. Thanks for commenting.

