Sunday, April 6, 2008

The new baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well I am in a pickle, in 12 day's is speech tournament, and mom might have her baby when I am gone ...............and well I really want to be there .....................And well I don't know if I want to go. But grandma has payed a lot to get me this far, and I don't want it to go to don't know.(what do you think, leave a comment???)



  1. WOW! What a dilemma. I think you need to look at it this way-
    either you miss out on something that will help in your school years, or you miss out on something that will prepare you for life as a homemaker and mother.
    Speech is something that all should learn and prepare for and it will help in coming years, but seeing the joy of a baby brought into the world is an opportunity that will come but rarely in your can most likely go to another Regionals in the coming years, but who knows when you'll next have the chance to see your mother have a baby.

    It's a hard decision all around, and we'll miss having you come if you decide to stay, but I hope that you seek God's will and your parents in this decision.
    I love you Anna, and I know that one day you will have many children and be the perfect wife and mother!
    See you later!

  2. Yup, that is a hard decision...

    I think that you should stay if she doesn't have the baby before Reg. and if she does, well, you should definitely go!

    But, just like Kaila said, I think that you should seek God's will and your parent’s with this decision.

    Love you lots Anna,


    P.S I loved what you shared at church today, if gave me goose-bumps:D

  3. I disagree with the above. I mean, you can see a baby get born any day with Grandma-Dot's kids. There are babies being born all the time. But if youfeel you must stay than that is just fine too. Pray a lot. God will help you decide.

  4. I think you should go sweetie! I will do my best to hold off till you return! (Though I am praying to go early and fix any worries)
    I love you so much Anna for wanting to be here, to help and also for wanting to go to please Grandma. What a great daughter I have in you!! Really only God Almighty knows the due date and time. He will do what is best for the baby.
    Love you

  5. David is really funny! Hope you can go. Hope Tammy has a super easy birth. I haven't heard; is it a boy or a girl?

  6. I have no idea what I would do.
    That means I can't give any
